Entering / Exiting the Facility
All people over the age of 5 will be required to show proof of vaccination. In addition, anyone entering and/or leaving the facility will be required to use our hand sanitizing stations which can be found throughout the facility.

All staff are required to be fully vaccinated. Any staff members who shows signs of symptoms and/or has a 100.4 degree temperature will be sent directly home before entering work. Symptomatic employees will be required to show proof of negative COVID-19 test or quarantine themselves for a minimum of 14 days prior to returning to work.

Face Masks
All children and staff members will be required to wear PPE in all common areas outside the gym and at all times. Athletes will remain socially distanced during drills.

All children over the age of 5 are required to be vaccinated in order to attend any of our programs.

Drop Off / Pickup
We have updated our check-in/check-out process to limit the amount of people in our facility. Children will be checked in at the door and handed off to their counselor. The same process will apply during check-out. We strongly encourage parents and guardians to remain outside the facility; should you need to stay, we ask that only 1 adult remains per child.

All equipment will be cleaned and wiped down intermittently during the day.

Refunds and Credits
Due to our limited space we are unable to provide any cash refunds for missed programming. We will credit your company account for any missed camp date with at least 48 hours notice or more. There will be no make-ups for a camp day missed and/or cancelled within 24 hours of scheduled start time unless accompanied by a doctor’s note.

In accordance with the state of New York, children wishing to participate in BSNY/Fastbreak programs must adhere to the following COVID-19 vaccination policy:

As of January 1st, 2022:
All participants ages 5+ are required to have at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

By February 1st, 2022:
All participants ages 5+ are required to show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19.
How to provide proof of Vaccine:

We ask that all families submit proof of their child’s vaccine status using the link below.

If your child requires an exemption from the vaccine requirement due to medical reasons, please provide a letter of justification from your medical provider and email it to teamfastbreak@fastbreakkids.com by January 1, 2022.


Ways to Reduce Risk and Keep the BSNY/Fastbreak Community Safe in 2022

Get Tested   –  As we return from holiday, we are asking everyone in our BSNY/Fastbreak community, staff and families, to take a rapid COVID-19 test a maximum of two days prior to returning to our facilities.

Wear a Mask – Please encourage your kids to wear their masks throughout the entirety of the program and model appropriate mask-wearing. Masks our are best defense against COVID-19 and keeps ourselves and those around us safe.

Communicate  –  Please inform us if anyone in your household tests positive for COVID-19. Household members of anyone who tests positive will be required to adhere to CDC recommended quarantine protocols.

Stay Home –  If anyone in your household is experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, please keep your children home. We request you use an abundance of caution, as COVID-19 symptoms can often appear as the common cold or allergies.

Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ list is a tool for our parents, players, and staff to seek answers to commonly asked questions. If you do not find your question in this list, please email or give us a call.

While we recognize that things will be constantly changing and being updated, we want you to know that we are well prepared to return to play and our plans meet, if not exceed, recommendations from the Center for Disease Control, New York State and our local government.

We will constantly update this FAQ list as needed – Dated December 23, 2021

Q: Will campers be sharing equipment?
A: We have implemented an array of drills and activities into our curriculum that will not require the use of shared equipment. Equipment, at times, may be shared within a group. All equipment will be cleaned and disinfected intermittently during the day.

Q: What facilities will you be using when we return to play?
A: Basketball Stars will be using our own facility along with Central Park and other various local parks.

Q: How will the experience in your programs be different for the kids?
A: The areas in the gym will be used by less players/coaches as in pre-COVID-19 times. Common areas (bathrooms, seating areas etc.) will support physical social distancing as required. We are limiting the number of adults  in our facility during program hours along with hand washing upon entry and exit. Face masks will be required when entering/exiting and while in common areas. Coaches will wear face masks when children are present. All people over the age of 5 MUST be vaccinated and show proof upon entering the facility.

Q: What steps are being taken to ensure Basketball Stars is providing a safe environment?
A: We have an intense and constant cleaning/sanitation process throughout the day including all touch points, and equipment. A deep clean will occur every night during our closing process. We have outfitted the facility with a dozen more hand sanitizing stations social distancing markers, and signage / posters of required practices. All cleaning products are nonhazardous, and EPA registered to kill COVID-19 and are

Q: What will be the process if someone tests positive after we have been in the gym together?
A: The staff will contact trace and notify those who may have been exposed immediately upon being notified that someone has tested positive or shows symptoms.

Q: Are we guaranteed that our athletes are safe once?
A: BSNY is doing everything necessary to make our programs are safe. Safety for the kids is our top priority. However, nothing is risk free. We have the proper safety policies and procedures in place to minimize risk to all players, families and staff while at our programming.

Q: Who should seriously consider NOT returning to play or sessions?
A: People who are personally, or living with someone effected: Diabetes, Chronic lung disease including Asthma, severe obesity, chronic kidney disease, heart conditions, immunocompromised(e.g. transplant recipient, needing immunosuppressant medications (e.g. steroids, biologics, etc.) and age greater than 65 years.

Q: Will masks be required?
A: Yes. Everyone entering the facility or checking in for a program must have a mask on. Coaches will be required to wear masks when children are present while players can remove their mask once they are active and socially distanced. Masks are required by all in common areas at all times (bathroom, entry, stairs, etc.)

Q: What happens if someone shows symptoms after arriving at the gym?
A: Parents will not be allowed to leave their child until the temperature is taken and is below 100. If someone becomes symptomatic after the start of their session, they will be quarantined immediately, and we will communicate with the family immediately. We will enforce a post-symptom protocol. The staff will contact trace and notify everyone who could have possible been exposed.

Q: Will there be water available to the players at the facility?
A: Water fountains will not be available for use. Every player/coach is required to bring their own water bottle, clearly/prominently labeled with their name, to their session.

Q: Do I drop my child off outside?
A: There will be a check-in line for when the program begins. You check in at the door and wait until their temperature is taken and questionnaire completed so they may enter the facility and/or program.

Q: Will parents be allowed to stay at their player(s)’ session?
A: Parents and/or guardians are urged to remain outside the facility. A staff member will make an announcement when a session is exiting, and we will have staff assist with this process.

Q: Will the bathrooms be open?
A: Yes, but access will be limited in the number of occupants at any one time and monitored throughout all sessions.

Q: Before I come to a session, is there anything I should do?
A: Yes, bring PPE (mask) with you and for your child and ask yourself a few simple questions below. If you answer yes to any of them, you should consider not coming to that session or program.
1. Do you have a sore throat, fever, body aches, cough or difficulty breathing that is new?
2. Have you been tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days and are you waiting for results or was the result positive?

Q: Do I need to sign any waiver for my child before he/she may return to play?
A: Yes, you will need to sign a recently updated waiver before your child may attend a session. You will receive that waiver either via online, email, or on-site.

Q: Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns during this return to camp?
A: As always, our team is here ready to help. You can reach out via email coachbrown@basketballstars.com or call (646) 692-3273.